NSDI Marcom

Date: 10th September 2024 // Time: 0800-1100 hrs


Christopher H Barlow


Christopher H Barlow

Corporate Engagement & Career Management
University of Pittsburgh, Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business

Alan Leidner

Alan Leidner

Board Member

Joshua Delmonico

Joshua Delmonico

Executive Director
US Federal Geographic Data Committee

Ken Shaffer

Ken Shaffer

Deputy Executive Director
US Federal Geographic Data Committee

Kim Hansen

Kim Hansen

Geospatial Marketing Director

Becci Anderson

Becci Anderson

Chief of User Engagement
National Geospatial Program, USGS

Sheila Steffenson

Sheila Steffenson

1Spatial Inc.


Over the past three decades, and at great expense, the NSDI has provided nationwide geospatial data, tools, and supporting infrastructure resources to help improve policy and decision-making across government, the private sector, and citizenry. However, this significant resource investment borne largely by local, State, Tribal, and Federal government and industry is little known, and therefore often under resourced. With the growing diversity of challenges facing the nation, availability of current, accurate location information is vital to National Development and sustainability.

This workshop brings together Federal and other government and industry public affairs and marketing professionals to raise awareness of the NSDI. The goal is to identify ways in which we can drive awareness and investment in the NSDI through improved communication of the value and ROI of the NSDI and geospatial within their organizations, with the public, and with Congressional Budget staff and Congress.


  • Baseline the history, development and success of the U.S. NSDI
  • List and categorize critical stakeholders for an NSDI
  • Define and categorize value derived from the NSDI
  • Identify possible case studies to support communicate the value and ROI from the NSDI
  • Discuss how to pool resources (people and financial resources) to continue to advance the raise awareness


To support inform and direct the workshop, including the breakout sessions, we have created this survey Qualtrics Survey | Qualtrics Experience Management. Please complete the survey ahead of the workshop. It should take no more than 5-10 minutes to complete. Results will be shared during the workshop and will be shared in the conference proceedings.


This workshop is designed to be interactive between panelists and attendees of the session to identify and recommend approaches to illustrate the value of the NSDI from differing stakeholder perspectives. Breakout groups will be formed to generate ideas/recommendations on key stakeholder value topics, as well as priority use cases. Panelists will serve as facilitators and contributors to break out groups and will lead discussion on findings and next steps for NSDI Marketing and Communications.


Time Topic Speaker/Format Run
08:00 – 08:10 Welcome, Participant Introductions, & 2023 GeoGov Session recap Mark Reichardt 10 min
08:10 – 08:30 History of the U.S. NSDI Ken Schaffer 20 min
08:30 – 08:40 Workshop Format Introduction & Survey Summary Christopher Barlow 10 min
08:40 – 09:00 Preliminary USGS use case example Becci Anderson 20 min
09:00 – 09:25 Breakout 1: Stakeholders paired to Value Breakout groups: generate list of stakeholder groups and value statements 25 min
09:25 – 09:50 Group Report Back: review lists as a broader group From facilitators consolidate list of stakeholders and categorize values 25 min
09:50 – 10:10 Breakout 2: shortlist 1-2 case studies Breakout groups: Brainstorm potential case studies that align to the stakeholders and values 20 min
10:10 – 10:20 Group Report Back on case studies Breakout leaders 10 min
10:20 – 11:00 Panel Discussion: what are needed resources (people or financial) to communicate the value message and case studies? Panelists will share insights and engage with attendees of the session to identify recommendations and next steps. 40 min