Plenary Sessions

Plenary 1: Moving Forward - US Geospatial Strategy from Plan to Practice

Leaders from government, industry, academia, and the research community provide their insights regarding the current status and future of our Nation’s Geospatial Ecosystem. Discussion will focus on addressing key local to national development opportunities, challenge areas and implementation priorities as identified in the recently revised National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Strategic Plan.

Plenary 2: Seeing is Believing – Communicating the Value of our Geospatial Ecosystem for National Development and Sustainability

Presenters discuss programs having significant, positive impact and ROI in addressing key social, economic and environmental challenges. By leveraging geospatial information, space-based and other earth observation assets, coupled with innovative applications and workflows including AI, cloud and GPU processing, incredible value is being delivered for National Development.

Fireside Chat: Driving Investment to Advance the U.S. Geospatial Ecosystem

Leaders from across the public and private sector provide their recommendations on avenues for funding / investing in advancing our Nation’s geospatial ecosystem and highly related markets such as Earth Observation to further inform policy and improve decision making.

Plenary Session 3: Piloting to Practice for Advancing the Utility of Our Geospatial Ecosystem

Given the diverse U.S. jurisdictional structure and the varying needs of government at all levels, the piloting of new concepts, technologies, workflows and inclusive governance / coordination approaches is an effective way to “try before you buy” new approaches. Leads for several publicly and privately resourced pilot initiatives will discuss the goals, objectives and results of initiatives designed to help further advance the utility of our nation’s geospatial ecosystem.

Plenary 4: Government and Governance: Advancing the NSDI for National Development and Sustainability

Leaders from across the public and private sectors will engage in discussion on the opportunities and challenges of moving toward a “whole of community” governance and coordination approach for the NSDI. Discussion will include implications of new and innovative emerging technologies, capabilities, and capacities coming from the industry and research community. Emphasis will also be placed on the increasing calls from across the local, State and Tribal government community – where geospatial data is created and managed - for more equitable representation in decision-making relative to our geospatial ecosystem as represented in the U.S. by the NSDI.

Plenary 5: Readying the Geospatial Workforce to New Markets, Sources, Technologies, and Practices

Public and private sector leaders discuss opportunities and challenges in addressing workforce readiness. Discussion will include focus on lifelong learning and new entrant preparedness amidst the tremendous pace of technology advancements and the broadening use of geospatial across specialized user industries as our community works to assure a pipeline of future entrants into the geospatial tradecraft. Concepts on improved national coordination of workforce training and related resources are discussed.