GeoGov Summit serves as an annual event to convene a high-level and forward-looking G2G and G2B forum of leaders and experts from across government, industry, NGOs, and academia to identify and explore opportunities to enhance the national geospatial strategy, to collaboratively map out solutions to improve data and decision-support capability, and to improve governance/coordination of our nation’s geospatial infrastructure.
The highly successful 2023 GeoGov Summit brought together geospatial stakeholders from across the public and private sectors to identify and document a wide range of strategic recommendations regarding the future of the U.S. National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI). Many of these recommendations have been incorporated into the U.S. Government’s 2025-2034 NSDI Strategic Plan due to be released for public comment this Spring.
The GeoGov Summit will bring together 250 - 300 stakeholders representing Federal agencies and other levels of government; commercial geospatial, space, IT, and engineering companies, enterprise end users, the academic community, and development and civil society organisations with an objective to:
Communicate the revised NSDI Strategy
Identify and prioritize potential implementation pathways / solutions for addressing NSDI Strategic Goals and Objectives.
Broaden engagement of stakeholders and sharing of best practices from across the public and private sectors
Explore “piloting to implementation” approaches for whole of community collaborative governance
Raise awareness of the critical value of and the need for investment in the NSDI
Improve workforce readiness
Harness Technology Advancements
Building on the success of the 2023 Summit, the 2024 GeoGov Summit will focus heavily on expanding national stakeholder engagement as well as identifying and prioritizing ways to support implementing components of the NSDI strategy.
Regarding the importance of the geospatial community to holistically address the grave implications of climate change and biodiversity loss: There isn’t a future unless we muster all of our best science, and also all of our best technology, and also all of our best creative design thinking to be able to address those challenges.
The NSDI vision has to be one of highly responsive and dependable public and private data and associated services providing the best that each sector has to offer, to address national challenges. Going forward, we must focus on leveraging the rapidly expanding technology capabilities with a growing body of data sets to produce analysis ready data, evolving a robust, responsive, and mature NSDI. We must invest in open data sets and open Science, maintaining the NSDI as real infrastructure
Proposed that the crowdsourcing model be considered as part of the next phase of National Geospatial governance. She noted that this approach embeds more flexibility and agility to keep up with the pace of change especially in a rapidly evolving technology environment, to fill National data gaps, and to encourage broad cross-sector collaboration to identify solutions to the problems we’re trying to solve.
This is a pivotal time for geospatial in the AI space. Until recently, AI has not been focused on the incredible value of leveraging geospatial.
We are getting to the point now with technology and compute power to be able to produce actionable answers for decision makers. The foundational work that the community has been advancing over the past few decades is finally reaching the point of reality for GeoAI.
Geogov is the foremost venue for government, academic, and industry leaders to forge a new vision for America’s spatial data infrastructure. What an extraordinary experience!
The GeoGov Summit authentically brings together private and public sector leaders with the right mix of programming and networking. In 2024, Cesium is once again looking forward to contributing to the timely theme, Advancing NSDI from for National Development: Strategy to implementation.
The GeoGov Summit was a unique gathering of private sector and public sector leaders with impactful presentations and discussions about how best to move the needle in our national geospatial strategy. Geospatial technologies are more critical than ever before for collective problem solving through engagement of all sectors in the process. This forum brought that out in a refreshing way and with a sense of urgency. It was clear that together we can achieve more.
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